AED 90.48 – AED 371.43 ex. VAT
Color & Thickness
Brown & Thick & Very creamy
The mix of white honey and hazelnuts are rich in nutrients and has a high content of protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals.
The white honey used for the mix, is from Kyrgyzstan and is raw, pure honey that has an intense floral taste and aroma.
The hazelnuts we are using for the mix, are originally from Turkey, carefully selected being raw and non-pesticide treated.
White honey is rich in antioxidants, Omega-3 helping to protect the body from free radicals, which are contributing to the aging process. Hazelnuts are rich in proteins and healthy fats to increase the body metabolism.
Recommended to prevent aging, heart disease, hair loss, to boost the memory and immune system. Adding extra energy while playing gym is recommended also for the muscle recovery after intense workout.
It can be spread it on brown oats bread, added it to the smoothies, cereals, granula, or just eat a spoon as it is.
العسل الأبيض غني بمضادات الأكسدة ، أوميغا 3 يساعد على حماية الجسم من الجذور الحرة ، والتي تساهم في عملية الشيخوخة.البندق غني بالبروتينات والدهون الصحية لزيادة التمثيل الغذائي في الجسم
Bottle Sizes | 150 G, 350 G, 650 G, 1 KG |
AED 90.48 – AED 371.43 ex. VAT
AED 90.48 – AED 371.43 ex. VAT
Queen Bee Trading – Develop by PanoxTech
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